Collaborative, Compassionate, Courageous

Message from the Chair
I am pleased to welcome you to our SHINE Academies website.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees of SHINE Academies it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our Multi Academy Trust (MAT) website. We are a forward-looking MAT aspiring to grow and bring the benefits we have learned of excellent leadership and governance to other schools. Our MAT was created on 1st April 2015 and are well placed to expand in the future.
Our Trustees have been chosen on a skills and knowledge basis and they will set the standards required for the Multi Academy Trust as a whole and for all individual schools. The Trustees will be responsible for the policies of the school and the Chief Executive Officer will challenge and support our schools to meet the standards set by the Trustees.
Currently there are four schools in this Trust. They are Northwood Park Primary School; Villiers Primary School; Lodge Farm Primary School and Busill Jones Primary School. All our schools are within the West Midlands.
The Trust has been formed to provide the best possible educational experience for of all pupils within the schools. It is about these schools keeping their uniqueness and individuality but working together for the benefit of all our children. We provide an extensive range of stimulating experiences to ensure that every child has access to an exciting and inspirational education. We aim to continue to work in collaboration with others in order to provide our children with the very best of experiences and opportunities.
Our Trust recognises the importance of Local Governing Bodies and how they shape the uniqueness of each school. The Trust recognises that our staff are the most important and valuable resource we have to improve the outcomes of children and we recognise the huge importance parents and carers play in the education of their children.
Our key functions as a Board are:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the Trust
Holding the Chief Executive to account for the performance of the schools, their pupils and the performance of the staff
Overseeing the financial performance of the Trust and ensuring that money is well spent.
As the current Chair of the Board, I hope you find the information useful. I can be contacted via
Gary Gentle - Chair Of Trustees