Collaborative, Compassionate, Courageous

SHINE Delivery

Advocate for children and families
Be open and honest
Be self-aware
Lead by example
Drive to achieve results
Professionally challenge services and parents to ensure actions are met
Put the school vision into practice through agreed policies and strategies
Engage with external professionals and share good practice, strategies where necessary
Identify opportunities when case working and manage the associated risks
Embrace change and new ways of working
Respect and commit to equality and value diversity
Be passionate, caring and empathetic
Be child, family and community focused
Always look to improve delivery
Share positive case studies
Show clear actions and aims
Embrace change and new ways of working
Respect and commit to equality and value diversity
Be passionate, caring and empathetic
Be child, family and community focused
Always look to improve delivery
Share positive case studies
Show clear actions and aims
Create a positive culture where staff feel energised and motivated to achieve
Opportunity for CPD
Be open and transparent about current responsibilities
Apply new approaches and perspectives to solve problems and provide opportunities to experiment with new ideas, resources, or processes
Work with integrity and transparency for the good of trust and schools withing the trust
Identify specialists within the service