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In a Meeting

Independent Investigations Service

SHINE Academies is a successful Multi Academy Trust based in the Midlands, with high aspirations for its schools, pupils, staff, and the community that it serves. In short, we Strive in Harmony to Inspire, Nurture and Excel. 


All schools are different, and we recognise the benefit in celebrating those differences and maintaining their identity and characteristics, whilst working collaboratively to improve the outcomes of all pupils. 


Our specialist Central Services Team provides the infrastructure for our existing schools and work closely with our Headteachers and provide effective, bespoke support across all operational and business areas.  This enables the school leadership teams to focus on their strategic school improvement journey. We’re able to support likeminded schools including maintained, academies and MATs in the following areas: 


  • Finance support – specialists in identifying budget savings and deficit improvement plans

  • Audit services – we have trained staff in all aspects of finance, including pupil premium and safeguarding

  • School improvement – we have capacity to offer school improvement guidance and support at all levels, including Ofsted planning & preparation, curriculum design, quality assurance, research based practice and quality first teaching

  • Family support and safeguarding – our experienced team of professionals can offer support and training in all aspects of family support, including early help, intervention, internal auditing, re-integration planning, parental relationship building and working with external agencies 

  • Leadership development – our team is experienced in transforming leadership teams and developing aspiring leaders


Please contact us to find out how we can help you to provide tailored support on any of the areas above. 

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